Cellulite Treatments
Cellulite (liposclerosis or oedematous-fibrous-sclerous dermopanniculosis) is a pathology that interests 8 women out of 10 and it can be divided, on an aesthetic level, in three progressive phases, respectively named: -Edematous (it occurs when there is an edema in the adipose tissue: generally around ankles, calves, thighs and arms). -Fibrous (it is characterized by small nodules and by the orange peel effect). -Sclerotic (in this case the nodules sclerotize and are big and painful). Other than with a healthy diet and moderate exercise, cellulite can be contrasted very effectively with both traditional and modern techniques.
Here are the most successful techniques that we practise in our salon:
Radio frequency is an innovative technique, which can also be used to contrast cellulite and that operates by means of radio waves emission.
By deeply warming up the treated area, without having to heat the skin, anti-cellulite radio frequency eases the regeneration of collagen in the areas that have suffered a connective tissue alteration, by improving microcirculation and provoking a marked reduction of nodules and edemas.
With anti-cellulite radio frequency we'll be able to model the tissues and quickly restructure skin with a visible cellulite and fat deposits reduction.
We advise against practising radio frequency on people carrying metallic protheses or on pregnant women.
Phosphatidylcholin is a phospholipid present in nature in soy lecithin, in the liver and in egg yolk.
Thanks to its amphiphilic nature, already used in medicine to treat liver diseases or hyperlipidermias, phosphatidylcholin besides keeping lipids in solution in our blood is capable of melting the fats with which it comes into contact.
Used with rado frequency (which can open specific intracellular channels to introduce the substance), phosphatidylcholin can penetrate and solubilise fats, with an effective and visible adipocytes reduction, without the collateral effects of injection therapies.
Phosphatidylcholin can be considered safe, although we discourage pregnant or breast-feeding women, immunocompromised, soy allergic, diabetic patients or those affected by renal or kidney failure to undergo such treatment.
Pressotherapy (or pneumatic compression therapy) consists in the insertion of the clients' legs in inflatable auxiliary boots that by inflating and deflating in sequence employ a gradual pressure (max 40mmHg) on the edematous tissues, draining the liquids and stimulating circulation.
It is mostly used on those patients that, besides being affected by beauty problems related to cellilute, also present edemas and swelling.
The therapy is not suitable for people affected by congestive heart failures, by hypertension, arteriopathy and with thrombotic or pulmonary emboly risk; it is also advised against skin infections that could further spread due to the lymphatic fluid increase.
Fangotherapy employs thermal mud, directly applied on skin at a temperature between 37 °C and 38 °C. It can be effective against chronic inflammatory forms of the locomotor apparatus like articular arthritis, tendinitis, pain and muscular inflammation.
Seaweed therapy is based on the use of different types of seaweed, rich in vitamins, iodine, trace elements and mineral salts. The tratment has toning and detox effects. It must be used with caution in ipertensive conditions, hyperthyroid dysfunctions and during pregnancy.
It helps the natural process of skin renewal thanks to the action of mechanical or chemical scrubs with a gentle esfoliating effect based on elastine-collagen products / hyaluronic or glycolic acid and essences such as Damask rose and vitamine E orange oil.